Mario Dalpra
25°04'11.3"N 121°35’30.3"E
Mario Dalpra is an Austrian artist known for his dynamic evolution and innovative approaches in both material and conceptual art. His career began in the early 1980s when he studied under renowned artist Arnulf Rainer, which sparked his interest in overpainting techniques. In the late 1980s, Dalpra transitioned from abstract expressionism to sculpture, focusing on metalwork, which became a defining medium in his career.
His time spent in Australia between 1989 and 1996 had a profound impact on his artistic style, particularly through his exposure to Maori culture and tattoo symbolism. In 2010, Dalpra shifted towards creating wooden sculptures, emphasizing expressionistic-archaic forms influenced by his travels in Indonesia and India.
By 2011, he started experimenting with softer, fluid forms in bronze and aluminum, incorporating glossy, polished finishes. During the same period, he introduced his “bag sculptures” as a critique of the art market, using humor and irony. Since 2016, Dalpra has been creating tattooed sculptures, focusing on themes of identity and surface perfection.
奧地利藝術家,以其創作的動態演變與創新手法聞名。Dalpra於1980年代初師從知名藝術家Arnulf Rainer,對「overpainting techniques」產生興趣。1980年代末,他從抽象表現主義轉向雕塑,專注於金屬創作,成為其藝術生涯的代表媒材。
2011年起,Dalpra開始嘗試青銅與鋁材的柔和流線造型,並採用光滑拋光的表面處理。同時,他推出了具有幽默與諷刺意味的「bag sculptures」系列,批判藝術市場。自2016年起,他專注於紋身雕塑創作,探索身份與表面完美的主題。