Rosalind Keith
Rosalind Keith was born in Surrey in the South of England in 1965.
After completing her secondary education she moved to Italy to study at the Charles H Cecil studio In Florence where she gained a training in ‘Sight size’ portraiture, still life and nude.An inquisitive independent mind led away from Classical realism to years experimenting in various painting mediums,using a more contemporary approach to her work to create a unique style to express her inner world. Her initial ‘informal' work centers on the world of nature, where mountains and sea feature silently without human forms.The death of her mother in 2012 marks a dramatic turning point when she returns to the human figure to express the emotions of maternity.Her current work focuses on the world of women and relationships.
Rosalind started exhibiting her work in the early 90'S in collettive exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Rosalind has partecipated in numerous competitions classifying in first and second positions.
Her work has been published in Italian and International publications.
Two of her images have been archived in the collection of prints and drawings of Vittorio Sgarbi.
Rosalind has work in private collections in Italy and abroad and has recently been included in the permanent collection by the Diocesean Museum of Gubbio .
She lives in Florence with her husband Roberto and daughter Lisa June.
Recent exhibitions
“Piccola Collettiva d'Arte Sacra"Museo Diocesano Gubbio.Perugia 2020.
“Post Scriptum” Solo exhibition of work by Rosalind Keith.Arianna Sartori Gallery Mantova.2020.
“A New Beginning" Van Der Plas Gallery. New York,2021.
“Viaggio nell'art” Spazioporpora Gallery,Milan. 2021
“Old and New Frontiers of Arte"International Exhibition of Contemporary Art. Curated by Roberto Borra.Archeaological Museum of Bene Vagienna. (CN) 2021.
“Divine Creature3" curated by Roberto Borra,Gart contemporary Art Gallery,Neive (Cn) 2021/22.
“BerlinArt Contest ” curated by Daniela Accorsi, Cogalleries,Torstrasse Berlin.2021
“Fragments of life" curated by Roberto Borra and Karina Lukasik Costiglione Castle (AT) April/May 2022
“MIPAC Museum 20 x 20 in the Castle “curated Alberto Bongini & Alessandro Merlo.April /May 2022
“The Art of Imagination” curated by Roberto Borra & Alessandro Merlo,Artistic direction Karina Lukasik ,Fly Art Association,La Conchiglia Art Gallery Turin. June 2022
“Precario Equilibrio” Solo exhibit Stalla dei Barbetti Exhibition space Cerignale with the patronage of the Council of Cerignale. August 2022. “Still lives" solo exhibition curated by Robert Borra with the collaboration of FLY ART Turin,The commission of Documentary Artistic Archives Ludovico Geirut,MIPAC Museum Turin,Ugo Guidi Museum 2 Massa.Studio Bong Florence.September 2022.
2° prize Extemporary S.Mauro Abate “Patron of Casoria” July 2002
1° Prize “ Summer of Art 2002” Council of Laviano.
2° Prize Figurative Painting “National Artistic Exhibition CollectionArt37" 2018
3°Prize Figurative painting International Contemporary Art prize 2019.Organised by the Collettivo 37 Association.
3° Prize visual Art “The Cat" in memory of Riccarda Miriam Giraudi.Turin 2021.
“World Festival of Art on paper 2001”.Bled Slovenia.
"Artists in Turin 2002” Lalli Editor.
"Art Fair Parma - 2002” Italgraf Editor.
“The Sigh Press" issue 7 Winter 2015.
“Premio Internazionale Biennale d'Arte di Asolo" 2016.
“ Archivio delle Grafiche di Vittorio Sgarbi.2018 EA Editore Palermo
“Venice Art Expo ,Exhibition of Nations" 2018 EA Effetto Art
“International Van Gogh Art Prize” EA Editor. 2019
“Archivio delle Grafiche di Vittorio Sgarbi “ EA Effetto art 2019.
“Expo Art- # 40 Maggio 2018”Editore Ass Culturale Expo Art.
“Art Now n° 1 Anno II Gennaio/ Febbraio 2019 -EA Editore
“Catalogo Dell 'Arte Moderna.Gli artisti dal primo novecento ad oggi n° 55” Editore GiorgioMondadori.
“Vegetalia tra Alberi, Fiori e Frutti “Archivio Sartori Editore 2020.
Autoritrattoi e Ritratti di personaggi illustri 2021,Archivio Sartori Editore 2021
“Fra Tradizione e Innovazione, Processi Creativi artistici della Contemporaneità" Volume V RosarioPinto-Napoli Nostra 2022.
Artist Statement
For me painting is both action and meditation.
The canvas is a micro cosmos where I can make a series of decisions and determine the outcome.
Every canvas presents me with the opportunity to leave a mark that is uniquely mine. The meditative aspect is related to where this series of ‘marks' and choices takes me in the process.Art takes us ‘somewhere else’s it can unburden us from our troubles and anxiety.It can unite us with humanity.
Every story Can be shared and lifelong omissions given voice.There is no better place for truth and freedom than on a canvas.